The purpose of the Auburn Lake Trails (ALT) Fire Safety & Improvement Council (FSIC) is to bring together ALT residents, State, County and Federal Agencies to discuss fire safety in our Community. The primary function of ALT FSIC is to secure and manage grants that support our goal to make ALT a "FireWise" Community.
Since it's inception, the ALT-FSIC has been directly awarded grants totaling $1,352,226. These Grant projects have ranged from clearing and maintaining our 8-mile Perimeter Shaded Fuel Break (PSFB), Clearing of rights-of-way (Evacuation routes), Weed Abatement, Fuel Materials Reduction, free Neighbor-to-Neighbor curbside and cul-de-sac Chipping Service, and Training, Coordination and Management of our ALT Fire Risk Educators who perform our annual residential property inspections in compliance with Public Resources Code 4291.
A curbside chipping service to ALT residents has been provided since 2007 via governmental grants or ALT funds. The service is currently completed with help of our ALT Maintenance Crew. ALT resident volunteers have given valuable time in the past. Over the years the FSIC has also assisted the ALT General Manager and Board of Directors to seek additional Grant funds through other sources.
On April 15, 2010 three different Grants of this kind were completed. Two Prop 40 Community Assistance Grants (CAG) totaling $125,000 were awarded directly to ALT - for extreme hazard fuel reduction work along our 8 mile PSFB. $50,000 of which was allotted for work on common lots adjacent to or on the PSFB; while $75,000 was for work on private lots in or adjacent to the PSFB.
In 2013, a $96,000 Prop 40 CAG grant was received and completed to further reduce fuels on parcels along or near to the perimeter shaded fuel break. The El Dorado County and Georgetown Divide Resource Conservation District (RCD) managed all three grants.
A U.S. Forest service grant for $130,250 to remove 100 dead or dying trees and extending the Parameter Shaded Fuel Break by some 65 acres was completed September 31, 2018. The shaded fuel break work was sub administered by Georgetown Divide Resource Conservation District and the dead tree removal portion was administered by ALT FSIC.
A Cal Fire grant to extend by 60 acres, and complete, the 8-mile-long Shaded Fuel Break for $110,000 was completed March 15th, 2019. Grant was sub administered by Georgetown Divide Resource Conservation District.
A Cal Fire grant of $200,000 to remove 500 dead or dying trees from ALT was completed March 15th, 2019. Some 200 individuals removed 870 dead or dying trees. This grant was administered entirely by ALT FSIC.
In 2021, the FSIC obtained two grants from PG&E. The first grant (ALTFSIC 2021-01), for $95,000, provided for the construction of a new SFB on Cool Cave Quarry land, along the entire perimeter of ALT that borders the Quarry. This was the only remaining section of ALT's northern boundary without a SFB. The second grant (ALTFSIC 2021-02), for $38,384.50 provided for Roadside Fuel Reduction through the use of chemical treatments. Both of these grants commenced in late June, 2021, and at the Grantor's requirement, were completed by November 30,2021. These two grants paid 100% of the costs of administering and performing the work.
In 2021, the FSIC assisted the ALT POA in obtaining a $38,721 grant from the National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) for control of invasive species through chemical treatment. The award was made in September, and the grant begins in 2022 and runs through 2025.
We continue to pursue local, state, and federal grant opportunities to reduce risks in our Wildland-Urban Interface zone and improve the American River Canyon watershed and forest habitat.

Mike Connelly - President
Mike Connelly joined ALT FSIC to help maintain the strong record of Fire-Wise actions by the corporation. An ALT homeowner for over 30 years, Mike is a native of Sacramento and has experienced the unique advantages and challenges of the California foothills.
A Registered Professional Engineer
Extensive experience in engineering and project management.

David Halpin - Vice President
David joined ALT FSIC with the goal to help improve upon our Nonprofit Organization by contributing Cartography and GIS skills.
(Retired) Mechanical Engineer

Joy Hemp - Treasurer
Joy is one of our key team members. She brings years of experience and skills to the forefront in helping our organization grow and succeed.
Over twenty years of non-profit bookkeeping experience.
Owner, A Positive Balance
Director for Cool Community Association
Treasurer, Gold Country Writers, Inc.

ED Grout - Director at Large
Ed joined ALT FSIC with the vision and drive to improve upon our Nonprofit Organization, and focused on developing the organization with experience and integrity.
Retired General Manager of Water Treatment and Pump Companies.
Past Board member and President of Auburn Lake Trails POA.

Curt Kruger - Secretary
Curt joined ALT FISC to help with the efforts to protect our community from the devastation of wildfire.
7 years as a firefighter and ambulance EMT
Director of American River Community Coalition (ARCC)
Director of Georgetown Divide Equestrian Trails Foundation
Construction Project Management
Marketing: Stormwater Quality Products
MBA - UC Berkeley; BS Mechanical Engineering

Ron Means - Member at Large
Ron Means joined Auburn Lake Trails FSIC due to his strong belief in being involved in the safety of this beautiful community. Fire has been one of the top risk items that living in the foothills has become. He has been involved with boards in many areas including children’s`~
charities, Sheriff’s foundation and others. Ron has a BS in Industrial Technology and Physics and has been President and CEO of several companies in the Music and Entertainment industries, Software and Technology fields.
• President, JBL Professional, Division of Harman International
• President, Quantum Digital Solutions
• President, MarketScan
• Chair, Vistage International (business consulting)

Mission & Policies
Effective Oct 1, 2016
The Auburn Lake Trails Fire Safety and Improvement Council (ALT FSIC) is an equal opportunity provider.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-2964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

The Auburn Lake Trails Fire Safety and Improvement Council (ALT FSIC) is a non-profit, tax-exempt California public benefit organization. The ALT FSIC particpates in local, State and Federal Grant award programs. As such, we are often obligated under these programs to publish disclaimers and important notices.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication should contact the ALT FSIC for program information.

The Mission Statement for the ALT-FSIC is:
(a) To reduce the risk of loss of life and property in ALT and adjacent areas through the promotion of fire safety, education, prevention and suppression.
(b) To improve ALT's watershed community.
(c) To promote environmental conservation within ALT.
Our non-profit Community benefit organization currently has six active Directors, none of whom are paid.

Get in touch with ALT FSIC to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
PO Box 163
Cool, CA 95614